During the past few months, we have gathered feedback on the development of new skill standards for painting and decorating that break down potential skills and knowledge at Level 2, Level 3, and Level 4 to support learner pathways into the painting and decorating trades.
*Note skill standard titles may change slightly as a result of evaluation with NZQA.
Download the list of unit standards that will expire.
If you would like to see a copy of the new skill standards or have any questions, please email Lydia Harrell.
We have also reviewed the New Zealand Certificate in Painting and Decorating (Level 4) [Ref 3568-2] alongside the development of the painting and decorating skill standards. A review of the qualification enables alignment of the skill standards with the graduate profile outcomes.
Download the qualification document to see how the new skill standards align to the qualification’s outcomes.
In the alignment of the qualification graduate profile outcomes to skill standards, some core construction skill standards have been used. Industry and stakeholders involved in the review confirmed these core construction skill standards are valuable skills for a qualified Painter Decorator.
The core construction skill standards are a suite of skill standards that describe common critical skills across construction trades and are intended to facilitate better mobility and consistency. Read more about this project.