
Backflow device testing micro-credential

We’re excited to announce that we have begun the development of a micro-credential for backflow device testing.

Why is this important?

Drinking water protection with the use of backflow water devices is vital to manage the water supply. Plumbers, those involved in the water supply industry and fire systems engineers are required to test backflow water devices to ensure they are working correctly and protect the clean water supply from contamination.

This micro-credential will allow operators to show competence in testing by obtaining the skills and knowledge required to test a device.
We are in the final stages of development of the Backflow Device Testing micro-credential and would appreciate your feedback.

Have a read of the proposed micro-credential summary document, and then complete a short survey to give us your feedback. Your feedback will be considered by the Technical Advisory Group (TAG) to inform any further changes to develop this micro-credential.

This proposed micro-credential is open for feedback until 31 March 2025.

You can access the micro-credential summary document here

The standards proposed to be a part of this micro-credential can be viewed at the links below.

US 30598 – Demonstrate knowledge of selection, installation, testing, and maintenance of water supply backflow prevention devices – Level 4

US 23847 – Prepare to test, and inspect and test, water supply backflow prevention devices – Level 4

Your feedback is crucial to the success of our development work. We want to hear from you about the skills, knowledge, and attributes required for backflow device testing.

Questions and comments/Ngā pātai me ngā tākapu?

If you have any questions, please email Stewart Brougham.