
BCATS skill standards to be graded

As part of the development of Building Construction and Allied Trades Skills, BCATS skill standards to replace the current unit standards, the decision was made to include achieved, merit, and excellence grading.

Some of the benefits of achieved, merit and excellence grading for the BCATS skill standards are:

  • the opportunity to contribute to NCEA certificate-level endorsements
  • allowing learners to demonstrate flair in their project work
  • encouraging a wider group of learners to engage in construction and allied trades skills, particularly those who may have previously chosen not to enrol in BCATS courses due to only receiving ‘achieved’ grades.

We will be working closely with BCITO as they refresh their resources and assessment material to reflect these new BCATS skill standards.

This work is starting now, and these skill standards will be the first to include achieved, merit and excellence grading. As a “first”, we are conscious that unanticipated barriers may arise along the way. We will include critical check-in points in the development so decisions can be made to manage any unintended barriers. We will keep you informed of any relevant changes as they arise.

Starting early in 2025, our Assurance team will be giving additional support to providers wishing to use the new skill standards in their programmes from 2026.

How you can be involved

We will work with a project group to develop the criteria for each BCATS skill standard. This group will include people who have experience and expertise in writing and/or assessing achieved, merit and excellence grades, as well as professionals experienced in BCATS delivery.

We will provide regular updates, information and guidance throughout the development and implementation of the new grading. We encourage you to stay connected to this exciting development.

If you have any comments or pātai, please get in touch.