
Carpentry skill standards

We’re excited to announce that we’re developing new skill standards for the carpentry industry, focusing on levels 3 and 4. These standards will help learners progress from basic to advanced skills step-by-step.

Skill standards will support learner pathways by including a progression of skills for:

  • New Zealand Certificate in Carpentry (Level 4)
  • New Zealand Certificate in Construction Trade Skills (Level 3)
  • Micro-credentials in Construction Trades

Why this matters

Skill standards will be used in all carpentry programmes, helping recognise and transfer skills from prior learning for flexibility and transferability.

These standards will reflect the skills that are valued by the industry.

The updated skill standards reflect skills that a person must be able to do in the Carpentry Licence Class in the Licensed Building Practitioner Scheme from the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE).

How you can help

We’re seeking industry feedback to contribute to the development of these skill standards. Whether you can contribute by being part of the Technical Advisory Group (TAG), providing one-off feedback, or just wanting to be kept informed of the progress, we would love to hear from you. Your input is key to making sure these skill standards reflect industry good practice.

How to give your feedback

To help guide your feedback, consider the following:

  • What changes in the industry should be reflected in the updated skill standards?
  • What specialist technical skills are you looking for in the carpentry workforce?
  • How does your scope of work support apprentices in achieving standards?
  • Which skills are most important for apprentices to master?

Please email [email protected] by 6 September to provide feedback, express your interest in participating, or recommend someone else who might be.


Due to the development of carpentry skill standards, some current unit standards will be affected and may be expired. We will request an extended expiry date for these unit standards from NZQA.

Impacted unit standards

Standard Number Title Level
12997 Demonstrate knowledge of working safely in construction 3
13008 Demonstrate knowledge of formwork for footings and foundation walls up to 1.2 metres tall 3
13009 Demonstrate knowledge of using reinforcing steel for construction 3
13010 Demonstrate knowledge of placing concrete 3
13015 Demonstrate knowledge of specialist trades on a construction site 3
13023 Demonstrate knowledge of installing mechanical fixings and building hardware 3
13026 Demonstrate knowledge of constructing retaining walls 3
13028 Demonstrate knowledge of adhesives and sealants used in construction 3
13031 Demonstrate knowledge of demolition work 3
13043 Excavate and fill a site for footings and slab construction under supervision 3
13045 Construct formwork for footings and foundation walls up to 1.2 metres tall under supervision 3
13046 Install reinforcing steel used for footings and foundations for concrete slab construction under supervision 3
13047 Place, finish, and cure concrete for footings and foundation walls under supervision 3
13052 Attend to specialist tradespeople under supervision 3
13059 Install mechanical fixings and building hardware under supervision 3
13062 Construct a retaining wall under supervision 3
13063 Check construction of concrete masonry and paving under supervision 3
20736 Demonstrate knowledge, and supervise the installation, of a building site ground retention system 5
20739 Describe and supervise the installation, of non-structural exterior building systems 5
20740 Supervise sub-trades for installation of building services for a medium building 5
20742 Explain installation procedures and supervise installation of proprietary ceiling and wall systems for a medium building 4
20743 Describe applications and production of structural precast concrete units and supervise their installation 5
20889 Set out and erect steel wall framing on site 4
20892 Set out and erect steel frame roofs on site 4
20893 Erect steel frame roof trusses on site 4
22145 Store and prepare materials for use on construction sites 3
24362 Demonstrate knowledge of documentation, working drawings, and specifications for building work 3
24364 Demonstrate knowledge of the compliance framework that governs building in New Zealand 3
24380 Demonstrate knowledge of constructing pile foundations 3
24381 Demonstrate knowledge of constructing floor framing, flooring, and decking 3
24386 Demonstrate knowledge of thermal insulation and sound control for buildings 3
24391 Demonstrate knowledge of concrete masonry and paving construction 3
24396 Construct pile foundations under supervision 3
24397 Construct and fix timber floors and decking under supervision 3
24401 Install wall and ceiling insulation under supervision 3
27187 Demonstrate knowledge of building construction methods for a medium building 5
27188 Prepare order lists for a medium building 4
27649 Demonstrate knowledge of wall frame construction 3
27651 Perform wall frame detailing for building projects 4
30844 Install and flash exterior joinery 4
30846 Install and flash wall claddings 4
30847 Install ceiling framing 4
30848 Demonstrate understanding of columns, posts, beams and portals 4
30849 Construct and erect roof framing 4
30850 Construct and erect wall frames 4
30851 Demonstrate understanding of the principles, features and construction methods of different building types 4
30852 Demonstrate understanding of licensing requirements, and comply with codes and consent processes, for construction work 4
30853 Read and interpret working drawings and specifications and apply them to undertake construction projects 4
30854 Apply legislative frameworks to construction operations 4
30855 Demonstrate understanding of materials used for carpentry work 4
30856 Use mathematics for construction 4
30857 Plan and communicate for construction processes 4
30858 Demonstrate understanding of building and construction science 4
30859 Use tools and equipment for carpentry work 4
30860 Install finishing trim 4
30861 Install building hardware 4
30862 Install thermal insulation 4
30863 Install interior joinery 4
30864 Install wall and ceiling linings 4
30865 Install sound control systems for noise reduction and soundproofing 4
30866 Plan and undertake demolition work 4
30867 Establish, maintain and disestablish a construction site 4
30868 Set out buildings, construct profiles and establish set-out points 4
30869 Maintain the professional standards of the construction industry as a carpentry trade professional 4
30870 Construct concrete foundations and slabs 4
30871 Construct framed floors and stairs or ramps 4
30872 Construct retaining walls 4
30897 Erect prefabricated wall frames 3
32442 Install interior joinery under supervision 3
32462 Use carpentry tools under supervision 3
32463 Set out and establish a construction site under supervision 3
32468 Construct and erect wall frames under supervision 3
32469 Construct timber frames for alternative roof designs under supervision 3
32471 Cut and fix metal roof cladding under supervision 3
32472 Cut, fit, and fix interior linings and trim under supervision 3
32475 Construct pole framing to form the foundation for a residential dwelling under supervision 3
32478 Use adhesives and sealants for construction work under supervision 3
32479 Construct and strike commercial falsework and formwork under supervision 3
32480 Erect and fix prefabricated beams under supervision 3
32481 Undertake demolition work under supervision 3
32482 Install proprietary suspended concrete floor systems under supervision 3
32483 Erect truss roofs under supervision 3
32485 Demonstrate knowledge of installing proprietary suspended concrete floor systems 3
32487 Construct substrates for structural steel framework roofs under supervision 3
32499 Install weather proofing and exterior cladding under supervision 3
32500 Install exterior joinery under supervision 3
32501 Construct timber stairs under supervision 3
32502 Install sound control systems in buildings under supervision 3
32503 Work at height in the construction industry under supervision 3
32566 Interpret plans and specifications for insulation installation 4
32567 Demonstrate knowledge of installing wall, ceiling, and underfloor insulation, and ground vapour barriers 4
32568 Demonstrate knowledge of insulation products 3
32569 Install wall, ceiling, and underfloor insulation, and ground vapour barriers 4
33137 Demonstrate knowledge of roof cladding installation 4
33139 Prepare for and complete longrun roof cladding installation 4