
Plumbing, Gasfitting and Drainlaying (PGD)

qualifications and unit standard review

Thanks for your feedback

The New Zealand Certificate in Plumbing, Gasfitting and Drainlaying (Level 3) [Ref: 2660] is now with NZQA pending approval.

The technical advisory group (TAG) recommended several changes to the qualification to describe the skills and knowledge required of those assisting with plumbing, drainlaying and gasfitting work under supervision. Graduates will have basic skills and knowledge in plumbing, drainlaying and gasfitting, have an awareness of the requirements of the regulatory environment, and be ready to enter into an apprenticeship.



Qualification review

The following qualifications have been updated following a review with industry and provider stakeholders:

New Zealand Certificate in Plumbing, Level 4 (Ref: 2663 – v3)

New Zealand Certificate in Gasfitting, Level 4 (Ref: 2662 – v3)

New Zealand Certificate in Drainlaying, Level 4 (Ref: 2661 – v3)

We thank and acknowledge the tactical reference and technical advisory groups for their mahi and support as we developed these new qualification versions and associated standards to support delivery.


Next steps

  • Completing a review of the New Zealand Certificate in Plumbing Gasfitting and Drainlaying, Level 3 [Ref: 2660 – v3]
  • Creating programme guidance documents for the new qualification versions.
  • Developing a number of micro-credentials covering specialist skills that have been identified as part of the review.
  • Completing a review of the three Level 5 New Zealand Certificates for each of Plumbing, Drainlaying and Gasfitting.

Unit standard review

We are now well through a review of the unit standards that support the PGD Level 3 and Level 4 programmes, providing industry with a range of unit standards that are current, fit for purpose and align with the new qualifications and the PGD Board competency requirements as appropriate.

Questions and comments/Ngā pātai me ngā tākapu? 

For more information about this project and to give your feedback please get in touch.

If you would prefer to speak to our team to give your feedback, email Stewart Brougham to arrange a time.