
Access Trades - Rigging

qualifications and unit standards review

Thanks for your feedback

The New Zealand Certificate in Rigging (Level 3) [Ref: 2355] and the New Zealand Certificate in Rigging (Level 4) with optional strands in Construction Rigging, and Telecommunications Rigging [Ref: 2356] was reviewed by the TAG and is now with NZQA pending approval. Review of the Level 5 New Zealand Certificates for Rigging will be scheduled following the Level 3 and Level 4 listing.

We thank and acknowledge the technical advisory group for their mahi and support as we developed these new qualification versions and associated standards to support delivery.

Next steps

  • Completing a review of the Level 5 qualification
  • Creating programme guidance documents for the new qualification versions

Questions and comments/Ngā pātai me ngā tākapu? 

For more information about this project and to give your feedback please get in touch.