
Electricity Supply

Strategic Reference Group

About the Electricity Supply Strategic Reference Group (SRG)

The Electricity Supply SRG represents the following industries in New Zealand:

  • Electricity generation
  • Electricity transmission
  • Electricity distribution.

Currently, there are 14 members in the Electricity Supply SRG, including experienced people representing the industry, industry associations, Waihanga Ara Rau and education providers. Strategic priorities of the SRG currently include:

  • Career pathways
  • Deconstructing roles and entry points into the industry.
The relationship manager for Electricity Supply is Tony Atina, so if you have any queries please get in touch - he'd love to hear from you!
Workforce Development Plans
Electricity Supply

Workforce Development Plan

In collaboration with industry, mainly through this Strategic Reference Group, we’ve developed a workforce development plan for the sector that includes recommendations that will enable the workforce to thrive. It also includes valuable data insights and forecasts about the workforce, employment and learners.

Find out what qualifications and standards development work is currently underway for Electricity Supply.