
Checklist guidelines for post-assessment moderation

Before submitting assessment samples for post-assessment moderation, please ensure that assessment materials meet the following guidelines.

Assessment Samples 

Assessment samples should include all supporting evidence that the assessor used to make their assessment decision, including, but not limited to:

  • Samples from multiple training sites, where applicable.
  • Assessment schedule/marking guide.
  • The assessment schedule/marking guide must be the correct version and match the assessment tool. This may include model answers, judgement statements and the verifier/assessor guide. Please note only one assessment schedule/marking guide is required for each set of samples.
  • Completed ākonga samples/assessment tool or Integrated assessment tool.
  • Internal moderation report.
  • Programme(s)/training plan(s) where unit standard is used.
  • All additional evidence that may have contributed to the assessment decision.
  • Provide a range of outcomes, e.g., Not Achieved, reassessment, and an Achieved within the samples, and from a variety of sites, and internal assessors.
  • NZQA unit standard document.
    This needs to be provided if the assessed version is not the current version showing on NZQA.
  • CV and RoA of assessors assessing these unit standards
    Assessors change over time and may differ from when the consent to assess application was first made.  By providing the CV and ROA, the provider is meeting the CMR and their associated QMS.
  • CV and RoA of moderators completing internal moderation.
    Internal moderation is to be completed by a person who holds the moderation unit standard.

Download the Post-assessment Moderation Coversheet